Our mission is to help create winning workplaces where people want to stay, grow, and do their best

Meet the Team

Jaakko Kaikuluoma is a B2B sales and marketing professional who wants to help people talk about issues that matter.

Ian Tuomi is a seasoned software developer who is passionate about helping people reach their higher potential.

Jose Kantola is an expert in making things work for customers, and knows that a great feedback culture leads to greatness.

Juuso Mikkonen is a software engineer interested in building applications that help people focus on what matters.

Aleksandra Seregina is a marketing and tech enthusiast willing to challenge the status quo in data-driven companies.

Ilona Sippola is a growth and HR expert, driven to get companies true leadership potential in use.

Jukka Kujala is a people operations professional enthusiastic about how organizational behaviour research and technology can revolutionize working life.

Jarno Lukkarila is a listening product designer whose work is guided by user value, usability and innovation.

Eero Laukkanen is a software developer who likes to create simple systems with real social impact.
Meet our Advisors

Jaakko Sahimaa is a Finnish psychologist who is focused on cultivating human performance and making working life more meaningful.

Ville Ojanen is a psychologist, PhD who helps people and businesses develop and get things done. Co-founder of Academy of Brain.

Mikko Kivelä is an assistant professor at Aalto University working in the field of Network Science. He likes his science interdisciplinary, data big, and models simple.
Our values
We listen
We are hungry to learn, willing to challenge our thinking, and interested in finding new perspectives. We listen to each other. We listen to our customers. We listen to science and experts. We teach our users to listen, too.
We deliver
We set our ambitions and bar of excellence high in building industry-winning solutions and rewarding customer relationships. We take extreme ownership of our individual and team responsibilities and prioritize vigorously to focus on what matters the most. When we make promises, we deliver on them.
We own our mistakes
Mistakes happen when working on worthy challenges; thinking otherwise would be a mistake. We examine our mistakes to learn from them, avoid repeating them, and resolve them. This is how we consistently keep our work quality at the highest levels.
We elevate each other
Success is built on top of what already works. We recognize each others’ well-aimed efforts, successes, and good deeds. We celebrate personal and team victories together, and learn from our successes.
We have fun
We take our mission seriously, and we try our best to have fun completing it. Humor helps us keep our heads straight under the pressure of our ambitions. Our ways of interacting are more casual than formal, and we aim at creating a sense of belonging and inclusion.