Performance Management

Minimize Effort, Maximize Action

Forget admin work and focus on taking action. Enjoy performance reviews tailored for you, directly delivered to Slack or Microsoft Teams.

Trusted by Industry Leaders & Innovators

Keep performance measurement straightforward. Simplicity benefits everyone.

Lean & Timely Performance Reviews

Move from annual reviews to regular, timely check-ins. A few simple questions will give an accurate signal on what needs to happen next. No need to burden your employees with extensive requests.

Customize to Your Unique Needs

Use our research-backed, carefully designed review templates. Or customize to fit any need - say your new employee checkpoint or engineering team reviews.

Available Directly in Slack or MS Teams

Easily collect reviews within Slack or MS Teams, allowing for quick and frequent feedback with minimal effort. Automated reminders ensure timely participation.

Drive Personal Development with AI Summaries

Help employees quickly digest their feedback and focus on the most meaningful areas for personal development with concise, AI-generated summaries.

Automate Reports: All Results in One Place

Enjoy fully automated reporting, where all feedback and results are compiled into one place. Review insights at individual, team, and organizational levels.

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Hear from Teamspective Customers

Our employees own the performance process end-to-end from requesting reviews to having performance discussions with managers. This wouldn't be possible without Teamspective.

Antti Poikolainen

Talent Acquisition & People Development Partner, Sievo